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with Nancy Trites Botkin

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conversation with me, please contact me here,
and I will get back to you. 

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Why for WOMEN, you ask?
  • Because women are different than men: we have different needs and different challenges.
  • Because juggling life and work for women is more difficult: we’re so awfully good at multi-tasking that we often end up taking care of everything and everyone only to lose sight of our own purposes.
  • Because our self-esteem issues are different: we are very good at pushing down our feelings of inadequacies, and smiling, determined to work harder.
And frankly --  because I really love working with women!
A number of women have asked me about my own Purpose for the
work I do.
I’m delighted to share this with you:
My defining driving PURPOSE is to help you to be
What does that mean for women? For YOU in particular? 
The very best way I know to help you be authentic is to help you you figure out your own 8-STEP SCALE, starting with number one ; Discovering your PURPOSE (impassioned reason) for creating your life and career.
With your PURPOSE in hand, I then work you through all remaining steps of our 8-STEP SCALE to enable you to find your unique voice (MESSAGE) and ending with the actual influence (IMPACT) that you wish to create in your own life, and the lives of those around you.
With this in mind, we created Think8 for Women.  The goal is to: 
  1. Nurture and enable the innate power of you. Give you the tools that will empower you to discover and achieve your CORE PURPOSE.
  2. Enable you to realize and reach your full potential.  Once you find your core purpose, to teach you to use our Think8 tools  to create the solutions to your wants and needs without losing yourself.
  3. Strip off the subtle social devaluations still operating in the business (and social) world to allow you to see yourself as you really are:  fully capable, creative and valuable.
  4. Allow you to define yourself to become your own woman in today’s world.
  5. Inspire you. Rescue and rehabilitate your dreams, allowing you to hold up a mirror to yourself and actually love what you see.
Think8 for Women is a PERSONAL COACHING PROGRAM, delivered one-on-one to those of you who recognize that you can be so much more capable, dynamic and AUTHENTICALLY YOU.

“I am so excited about the work we did together and the fact that you have revealed and shined the light over all the truths that are within me. These truths and passions are now aligned and the path to freedom and blossom now appears so accessible that its screams for my attention.”

    Julie Kherrafi
    RBC Commercial Markets


“During some changing periods of my life, like many people, I consulted with some professionals. I know that these previous discoveries, made with other professionals, were very important. The digging-research I made with Nancy benefited from these previous findings about who I am. This being said, Nancy’s work is very different! Being an artist in my soul, Nancy was able to identify my “fire” and, with her awesome gift, was able to help me see my core interests and passions in life.”

    Marie-Josée Caya


“I had seen Nancy talk about the Think8 system and was convinced she would help me get clarity. She is very inspiring as a speaker, and obviously passionate about what she does. You can feel right from the start that she is genuinely interested in helping others. It seems to be her own purpose.


What I love about Think8 is that it is like a tunnel that forces you to think in the right way, and gives you clarity. You can use it for anything! If you do it right, the rest will be easy. It is worth it to start any project with this process.


The work I did with Nancy was about revealing myself to myself, in a coherent way. Self awareness is the best guide in life. Thanks to Nancy for everything she did.”

    Marie-Josée Gagnon
    President/ Founder



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